Join Me for 7 Days to Create Your



You'll be developing your own Signature Talk in less than an hour a day & have a finished presentation for your next webinar in one week!
Take action now!

You'll be developing your own Signature Talk in less than 1hr a day & have a finished presentation for your next webinar in one week!
Take action now!

FREE: Limited Offer, First Come First Serve!

(Value $1997)

Here's What You'll Discover During

The 7-Days to Mastering
A 7-Figure Signature Talk That Sells

Make sure you join us daily to get the most out of the course. This is not hype!

Here's What You'll Discover During

The 7-Days to Mastering
A 7-Figure Signature Talk That Sells

Make sure you join us daily to get the most out of the course. This is not hype!

Day 1


Fill the void in your market so that you can FINALLY stand out and demand higher prices.
Stop guessing and unlock the door to more clients with Lisa's Proven Blueprint.

Day 2


Inspire your ideal clients who really want your services. Fully understand what they want and need. Learn how to stand out with killer titles and obtain the ninja marketing tools necessary to test them. 

Day 3


Engage your audience with potent, tried-and-true techniques that compel them to engage in working with you using neuro sales & marketing to produce talks that sell.

Day 4


Establish your authority, distinguish yourself as a thought leader, even if you are new to the industry, and increase your profits exponentially.

Day 5


Transform a FREE webinar, talk, workshop, or challenge into an ongoing 7-figure revenue stream. Plus, bonus surprises throughout the program.

Day 6


Discover where and how to share your Signature Talk That Sells so that your ideal client will raise their hand and say "Yes."

Day 7


Learn all the ways you can share your Signature Talk That Sells and how to connect with stages that have your ideal client.



Have the opportunity to have Lisa help you with your 7-Figure Talk That Sells and Ask Questions LIVE and get the wisdom of decades to grow your business. 
When you join now you will have access to the information for the whole time it is running.

Day 1


Fill the void in your market so that you can FINALLY stand out and demand higher prices.
Stop guessing and unlock the door to more clients with Lisa's Proven Blueprint.

Day 2


Inspire your ideal clients who really want your services. Fully understand what they want and need. Learn how to stand out with killer titles and obtain the ninja marketing tools necessary to test them. 

Day 3


Engage your audience with potent, tried-and-true techniques that compel them to engage in working with you using neuro sales & marketing to produce talks that sell.

Day 4


Establish your authority, distinguish yourself as a thought leader, even if you are new to the industry, and increase your profits exponentially.

Day 5


Transform a FREE webinar, talk, workshop, or challenge into an ongoing 7-figure revenue stream. Plus, bonus surprises throughout the program.

Day 6


Discover where and how to share your Signature Talk That Sells so that your ideal client will raise their hand and say "Yes."

Day 7


Learn all the ways you can share your Signature Talk That Sells and how to connect with stages that have your ideal client.



Have the opportunity to have Lisa help you with your 7-Figure Talk That Sells and Ask Questions LIVE and get the wisdom of decades to grow your business. 
When you join now you will have access to the information for the whole time it is running.

Take leads from cold to close in 10 days or less.

If you're looking for a simpler way to sell to hundreds of people at once, you're in the right place.

Attract a flood of qualified buyers and income with a 7 Figure Signature Talk That Sells!

If you're ready to position yourself as an industry leader and disrupt the status quo, join us now!


Take leads from cold to close in 10 days or less.

If you're looking for a simpler way to sell to hundreds of people at once, you're in the right place.

Attract a flood of qualified buyers and income with a 7 Figure Signature Talk That Sells!

If you're ready to position yourself as an industry leader and disrupt the status quo, join us now!

During the program Mastering A 7 Figure Signature Talk That Sells we will teach you how to leverage a speech, talk, or presentation to make high 6 & 7-figure leaps in revenue, leveraging human connection, your zone of genius, and authentic social selling. 

Imagine having a talk that makes the register ring, cha-ching, over and over again.

When you master your Signature Talk That Sells you can create unlimited revenue every time you speak.

During the program Mastering A 7 Figure Signature Talk That Sells we will teach you how to leverage a speech, talk, or presentation to make high 6 & 7-figure leaps in revenue, leveraging human connection, your zone of genius, and authentic social selling.

Imagine having a talk that makes the register ring, cha-ching, over and over again.

When you master your Signature Talk That Sells you can create unlimited revenue every time you speak.

What are people saying about
“Mastering 7 Figure Signature Talks That Sells”
Mastery to Millions… Your One Conversation Away?

Imagine a talk that makes you 6 figures, then doing it over and over again until it nets you 7 figures and more!

I've been able to generate millions, that's right seven figures in sales with that exact process that she will provide you. It's amazing!
"Have you ever been good at something, and you met and interacted with someone that helps you totally revolutionize everything and become just a little bit better? And that little bit translated to a lot a bit of the bottom line of your business, or your company or your income or your finances. That is exactly what Lisa did with her signature talk. 

I became a client of hers, and I worked with her. And in a really, really cool way of like this, no BS, no filter, no fluff kind of way. She was like, Hey, this is what you need to do. And she gave me a very specific outline and a really direct approach. She gave me all the tools and everything that I needed to not only succeed and thrive but to be able to do it for the rest of my life. 

Using Lisa's signature talk formula, her process, her deep dive into what people really need, what they want, and what they desire and how to help provide that value and transaction to them. I've been able to generate millions, that's right seven figures in sales with that exact process that she will provide you. It's amazing. 

Her husband's incredible. She's incredible. It's a remarkable product. She's a very loving individual. She's a fantastic person, trust her. Allow her to help you allow her to give you guidance, and I cannot wait to hear all about your success story as well."

Jerremy Newsome, 
Dr. Crypto Pro & Stock Expert & Entrepreneur 

“I am really, excited to be working with Lisa. I've been in my private practice as a life therapist for 13 years. I've always felt successful in my practice, but the idea of selling my courses or books has always just been super daunting for me. And after just a month of working with Lisa, we created a talk that turned into a course that I hadn't even created yet. And actually sold $27,000 after my first talk.

And I don't know if I've ever sold more than a handful of books after talking. So, I'm super excited to see what's to come and have been really satisfied and impressed with the experience. And her team is really awesome, too. They're on top of it. They're efficient. I've worked with lots of different people and had other marketing companies before and they're up there."

- Jasmin Terrany – Life Therapist
“About 2 years ago I took the Tony Robbins online program KBB, The Knowledge Business Blueprint and I finished but I got stuck because I guess you're supposed to figure it out after that on your own.

I'm so fortunate I met Lisa... I took her online business program and the very first week after I was done with the program I made $23k..." Followed by high six figures in the following months. "Lisa, I am blessed by you and can't wait to be making more money with you.”

- Magie Cook, Food Business Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Nobel Prize Winner
“I’ve been coaching with Lisa Lieberman-Wang for just over a month. I can honestly say that this was the BEST investment I have made in myself in the last 12 years.
Since working with her, I made over $70,000.00. To be honest, I am not shocked. 

In 9 months I earned over $250k by the end of the year, I made over $420k.

Lisa knows how to look at what you are doing and how to make it better. She knows how to leverage resources that you may have never thought of.

If you are looking to take your business to another level, learn new ways to leverage, and how to create more income, Lisa is a MUST.”

- Veenu Keller – Parent/Child Peacemaker
“I’ve been coaching with Lisa Lieberman-Wang for just over a month. I can honestly say that this was the BEST investment I have made in myself in the last 12 years.
Since working with her, I made over $70,000.00. To be honest, I am not shocked. Lisa knows how to look at what you are doing and how to make it better. She knows how to leverage resources that you may have never thought of.
If you are looking to take your business to another level, learn new ways to leverage, and how to create more income, Lisa is a MUST.”

- Veenu Keller – Parent/Child Peacemaker
“I’ve been coaching with Lisa Lieberman-Wang for just over a month. I can honestly say that this was the BEST investment I have made in myself in the last 12 years.
Since working with her, I made over $70,000.00. To be honest, I am not shocked. Lisa knows how to look at what you are doing and how to make it better. She knows how to leverage resources that you may have never thought of.
If you are looking to take your business to another level, learn new ways to leverage, and how to create more income, Lisa is a MUST.”

- Veenu Keller – Parent/Child Peacemaker
“I loved public speaking and had a webinar I was proud of: however, it was not converting. I was used to delivering talks that educated not enrolled. I started with Lisa's Signature Talk program, Mastery to Millions, where we reworked nearly my entire webinar. I was reluctant and a bit resistant at first, and after my first webinar, I started closing clients.

Lisa and I continued to work together implementing a business plan through her Platinum Business Coaching. I became more of a CEO of my business rather than living off "hopium". Within 6 months (July1-Dec 30th) I have made over $120k.”

- Ally Jewel, Sex & Intimacy Coach
"On my first webinar following Lisa's method of crafting my Signature Talk I got my first client for $5k.

She is methodical and knows how to help you create a talk that sells. Her training is worth millions.”

– Oliver Fernandez, Wealth with Multi-Family Real Estate

What are people saying about

“Mastering 6 & 7 Figure Signature Talks That Sells”

Mastery to Millions… Your One Conversation Away

I've been able to generate millions, that's right seven figures in sales with that exact process that she will provide you. It's amazing!
"Have you ever been good at something, and you met and interacted with someone that helps you totally revolutionize everything and become just a little bit better? And that little bit translated to a lot a bit of the bottom line of your business, or your company or your income or your finances. That is exactly what Lisa did with her signature talk.

I became a client of hers, and I worked with her. And in a really, really cool way of like this, no BS, no filter, no fluff kind of way. She was like, Hey, this is what you need to do. And she gave me a very specific outline and a really direct approach. She gave me all the tools and everything that I needed to not only succeed and thrive but to be able to do it for the rest of my life.

Using Lisa's signature talk formula, her process, her deep dive into what people really need, what they want, and what they desire and how to help provide that value and transaction to them. I've been able to generate millions, that's right seven figures in sales with that exact process that she will provide you. It's amazing.

Her husband's incredible. She's incredible. It's a remarkable product. She's a very loving individual. She's a fantastic person, trust her. Allow her to help you allow her to give you guidance, and I cannot wait to hear all about your success story as well."

Jerremy Newsome,
Dr. Crypto Pro & Stock Expert & Entrepreneur

“I am really, excited to be working with Lisa. I've been in my private practice as a life therapist for 13 years. I've always felt successful in my practice, but the idea of selling my courses or books has always just been super daunting for me. And after just a month of working with Lisa, we created a talk that turned into a course that I hadn't even created yet. And actually sold $27,000 after my first talk.”

And I don't know if I've ever sold more than a handful of books after talking. So, I'm super excited to see what's to come and have been really satisfied and impressed with the experience. And her team is really awesome, too. They're on top of it. They're efficient. I've worked with lots of different people and had other marketing companies be
fore and they're up there."

- Jasmin Terrany – Life Therapist
“About 2 years ago I took the Tony Robbins online program KBB, The Knowledge Business Blueprint and I finished but I got stuck because I guess you're supposed to figure it out after that on your own.

I'm so fortunate I met Lisa... I took her online business program and the very first week after I was done with the program I made $23k..." Followed by high six figures in the following months. "Lisa, I am blessed by you and can't wait to be making more money with you.”

- Magie Cook, Food Business Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Nobel Prize Winner
“I’ve been coaching with Lisa Lieberman-Wang for just over a month. I can honestly say that this was the BEST investment I have made in myself in the last 12 years.

Since working with her, I made over $70,000.00. To be honest, I am not shocked.
In 9 months I earned over $250k by the end of the year, I made over $420k.

Lisa knows how to look at what you are doing and how to make it better. She knows how to leverage resources that you may have never thought of.

If you are looking to take your business to another level, learn new ways to leverage, and how to create more income, Lisa is a MUST.”

- Veenu Keller – Parent/Child Peacemaker
"I loved public speaking and had a webinar I was proud of: however, it was not converting. I was used to delivering talks that educated not enrolled. I started with Lisa's Signature Talk program, Mastery to Millions, where we reworked nearly my entire webinar. I was reluctant and a bit resistant at first, and after my first webinar, I started closing clients.

Lisa and I continued to work together implementing a business plan through her Platinum Business Coaching. I became more of a CEO of my business rather than living off "hopium". Within 6 months (July1-Dec 30th) I have made over $120k.”

- Ally Jewel, Sex & Intimacy Coach
"On my first webinar following Lisa's method of crafting my Signature Talk I got my first client for $5k.

She is methodical and knows how to help you create a talk that sells. Her training is worth millions.”

– Oliver Fernandez, Wealth with Multi-Family Real Estate
“Using Lisa’s Signature Talks That Sells I did my first webinar with only a handful of people and made $13k and the week after I did it again. One client alone has become over $75k from that talk.

Lisa knows what works and wants you to succeed.”

– Jasmine Purscell, Evellere, R.A.I.S.E. Your Profits, Efficiency Expert
"This year I made over $185k part-time working 20 hours a week using Lisa's methods while home schooling my 3 boys during COVID.

I have increased my income every year working with Lisa. If you want to learn how to do it once and get it right, Lisa walks the walk, not just talks the talk. She gets results and drives you to succeed.

I am so grateful to have her as my business & life coach. I can't believe that I have earned over a million dollars in a business doing what I love working part-time. Much Love!"

- Brenda Kiss, Transformative Neuro Reiki Master™Practitioner
“Using Lisa’s Signature Talks That Sells I did my first webinar with only a handful of people and made $13k and the week after I did it again. One client alone has become over $75k from that talk.

Lisa knows what works and wants you to succeed.”

– Jasmine Purscell, Evellere, R.A.I.S.E. Your Profits, Efficiency Expert
"This year I made over $185k part-time working 20 hours a week using Lisa's methods while home schooling my 3 boys during COVID.

I have increased my income every year working with Lisa. If you want to learn how to do it once and get it right, Lisa walks the walk, not just talks the talk. She gets results and drives you to succeed.

I am so grateful to have her as my business & life coach. I can't believe that I have earned over a million dollars in a business doing what I love working part-time. Much Love!"

- Brenda Kiss, Transformative Neuro Reiki Master™Practitioner
“I have been trying to get my business off the ground for approximately five years now with no clear direction of how and where I wanted it to go. This led to multiple failures. The best thing that happened to me was being introduced to Lisa.

She is absolutely amazing within six weeks I was able to get a 400% return on my business. I simply followed her blueprint, and my results were extraordinary.

In my first Signature Talk, I made $12,000 with a handful of people.
I recommend Lisa as a mentor & business coach to any and everyone that wants to have a successful business.”

- Lisa Archer, CEO, N.I.F.L. ,Nurses Institute for Leadership
“I have been trying to get my business off the ground for approximately five years now with no clear direction of how and where I wanted it to go. This led to multiple failures. The best thing that happened to me was being introduced to Lisa.

She is absolutely amazing within six weeks I was able to get a 400% return on my business. I simply followed her blueprint, and my results were extraordinary.

In my first Signature Talk, I made $12,000 with a handful of people.

I recommend Lisa as a mentor & business coach to any and everyone that wants to have a successful business.”

- Lisa Archer, CEO, N.I.F.L.,Nurses Institute for Leadership

Meet The Coaches Coach - Creating Million Dollar Businesses
Business & Marketing Strategist: Lisa Lieberman-Wang

In the last 35 years, Lisa Lieberman-Wang has built several multi-million dollar businesses. She has done over $165 million in personal sales in her career and one with one of her organizations. As a former Fortune 500 executive, Lisa built and led the top 1% of sales breaking records.

She has been helping business owners create multiple 6 & 7-figure revenues, and become experts in their industry by combining timeless business principles employed by billion-dollar corporations with the speed and agility of today’s most powerful online marketing strategies. Lisa helps entrepreneurs and coaches achieve unbelievable breakthroughs in their businesses, with ease and grace.

Lisa specializes in helping entrepreneurs unlock their fullest potential using the most powerful neuroscience and human psychology tools and programs. She teaches you how to build your business, create successful online programs, master a 7 figure signature talk that sells, show you how to price and market your programs, and create funnels to drive traffic so you can actually see tangible results over and over again.  She even provides the teams to do it for you.

She has been featured in every major publication and television station ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, The CW, Huffington Post, Harvard, TEDx and more. Recognized as “Top 25 Women Entrepreneurs” by Leading Women Entrepreneurs. 

Today, Lisa is a multiple time #1 best-selling author, co-creator of NAP Leadership & Coaching Academy, Founder and CEO of FINE to FAB, and Mastery to Millions.

Click Below & Together We Will Get Your Business to Thrive, When Others Are Merely Surviving.

Mastering A 7 Figure Signature Talk That Sells is for Coaches & Entrepreneurs who want to set themselves up as leaders and experts in their field to get more clients easily while prospering beyond measure…and we want to help YOU do just that.

Join us now for FREE and let's celebrate your success together sooner than later.

Choose to Apply Proven Neuro Sales & Marketing to Get More Clients Effortlessly Now

LIVE Starts Monday, December 12th & 19th

7-Day Event for Lessons

(Value $1997)


Meet The Coaches Coach - Creating Million Dollar Businesses
Business & Marketing Strategist: Lisa Lieberman-Wang

In the last 35 years, Lisa Lieberman-Wang has built several multi-million dollar businesses. She has done over $165 million in personal sales in her career and one with one of her organizations. As a former Fortune 500 executive, Lisa built and led the top 1% of sales breaking records.

She has been helping business owners create multiple 6 & 7-figure revenues, and become experts in their industry by combining timeless business principles employed by billion-dollar corporations with the speed and agility of today’s most powerful online marketing strategies. Lisa helps entrepreneurs and coaches achieve unbelievable breakthroughs in their businesses, with ease and grace.

Lisa specializes in helping entrepreneurs unlock their fullest potential using the most powerful neuroscience and human psychology tools and programs. She teaches you how to build your business, create successful online programs, master a 7 figure signature talk that sells, show you how to price and market your programs, and create funnels to drive traffic so you can actually see tangible results over and over again. She even provides the teams to do it for you.

She has been featured in every major publication and television station ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, The CW, Huffington Post, Harvard, TEDx and more. Recognized as “Top 25 Women Entrepreneurs” by Leading Women Entrepreneurs.

Today, Lisa is a multiple time #1 best-selling author, co-creator of NAP Leadership & Coaching Academy, Founder and CEO of FINE to FAB, and Mastery to Millions.

Click Below & Together We Will Get Your Business to Thrive, When Others Are Merely Surviving.

Mastering A 7 Figure Signature Talk That Sells is for people who want to set themselves up as leaders and experts in their field while prospering beyond measure…and we want to help YOU do just that. Join us now and let's celebrate your success together sooner than later.

Choose to Apply Proven Neuro Sales & Marketing to Get More Clients Effortlessly Now

LIVE Starts Monday, December 12th & 19th

7-Day Event Lessons Daily

© Copyright Mastery to Millions, Lisa Lieberman-Wang 2020 | Legal
Lisa Lieberman-Wang cannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions, and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.
Lisa Lieberman-Wang cannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions, and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

© Copyright Mastery to Millions, Lisa Lieberman-Wang 2020 | Legal
Lisa Lieberman-Wang cannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions, and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.